Mandrake Root oil

Mandrake Root has been used by witches since ancient times for : prosperity, healing, domination, banishing, lust, fertility, and protection. For spiritual cleansing, soak a whole mandrake root in warm water overnight. The next day remove the root and pour the water into your spiritual bath. For best results, make sure that a white altar candle is burning with your name inscribed in it with. Pray over the candle for protection before getting in the bath.

For those who are sick and bedridden simply pray over a whole piece of Mandrake Root and place it in a bowl of milk. Place the bowl under the bed of the one who is sick for three days then remove it. For three days while the mandrake root is under the bed be sure to recite either Psalm 107: 17-20 or Psalm 41: 1-4 over the one who is sick.

To enhance a couple’s fertility, inscribe your name as well as the name of the potential father in a green altar candle anointed with the Mandrake root oil. Light either a Dragons Blood Incense stick or some Dragons Blood Incense powder upon a piece of charcoal then light the candle saying prayers of fertility over it. Get a small picture of the Egyptian Goddess Hathor and write on the back of it a petition for assistance conceiving a healthy child. Fold the picture three times towards yourself then turn it clockwise and fold it again three times towards yourself setting your intention. Place the folded picture inside a green mojo bag along with a few charged pieces of : Mandrake root, Angelica Root, Licorice root, poppy seeds, Rainbow Moonstone, Green Jade, Green Aventurine, Tumbled Rhodonite, Clear Quartz, Tumbled Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Unakite Jasper, a piece of Selenite , and or Tumbled Carnelian. Add a pinch of Gold Magnetic Sand to the bag then close it. Anoint the bag weekly with Mandrake root oil after feeding it with a pinch of the magnetic sand until you become pregnant.

A general rule of thumb for any and all mojo bags is to keep it next to your skin for the first three days. For women who chose to do this fertility ritual keep your mojo bag inside your cleavage in your bra for the first three nights. After the third night be sure to keep the bag inside your purse everywhere you go. Noone is to see or touch your mojo bag or you must cleanse and start the entire ritual all over again.


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