Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, also known as The Stone of Unconditional Love, is one of the most popular crystals in the world that is associated with love drawing. This versatile universal healing stone is almost always used for love and relationships. Its has a nurturing vibration that is feminine in nature plus it is associated with : the Heart Chakra, the Divine Feminine, and the Moon. Outside of its romantic and sexual vibrations, it also encourages you to love yourself as well as others. If you are trying to get over a relationship, it can tremendously help you during the healing process.

Rose Quartz is said to contain the essence of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus which is why it is also known as a The Stone of Beauty. Many women believe that lightly massaging pieces of Rose Quartz into their faces : helps promote circulation, brings out a more youthful glow, and helps minimize wrinkles. Another common practice among women over the years has been to leave a piece of Rose Quartz outside overnight and then wipe the morning dew from it and rub it over the face.

For love drawing, place this stone in a red Velvet Mojo Bag along with some Rose Petals or any other type of love herbs that is anointed with a love oil such as Come to Me oil. Write the full name of the one who you intend to attract on a piece of parchment paper or a brown paper bag three times then place it under either a : Adam and Eve Candle, Pink Love Drawing candle, or a Come to Me candle. For maximum results, sprinkle some cinnamon inside the candle in a clockwise motion before lighting it then place a few charged pieces of Rose Quartz around the candle.

A Rose Quartz can be cleansed by : placing it in a bowl of saltwater for a few hours, smudging it with sage, or by placing it on a Selenite wand. Once this stone has been cleansed leave it in direct sunlight for a few hours to charge.





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