Damiana leaf

Damiana leaf is a highly POTENT ancient aphrodisiac that is used in sex magic for attraction spells. Damiana leaf can be sprinkled into: voodoo dolls, mojo bags, a Come to Me candle, and love baths. To appear more appealing, put some Catnip herb, Damiana, Rose Petals, cinnamon, and or a charged piece of Rose Quartz inside of a red mojo bag anointed with Come to Me oil. Damiana leaf works great in conjunction with other lusty herbs, like Juniper Berries or Hibiscus leaves, especially when performing The Honey Jar spell!

Boil Damiana leaf along with any of the other love herbs listed above into a brew. Strain out the roots so that you can pour this infused liquid into your bath and or mop water. After you have finished bathing, get a cup of your bath water and pour it in front of the threshold of your door to signal new PASSIONATE love into your life!



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