The Lemon Curse is an old-time Hoodoo trick used to bring bad luck and misfortune upon those who have INTENTIONALLY made you suffer. This spell is very easy to do and HIGHLY-EFFECTIVE if done correctly. Although lemons are often used to cleanse or uncross a person, we will use them in this instance to curse your enemy.
To properly perform the lemon curse you will need the following: 1 lemon that is room temperature, 9 long pins (the type that is used for Voodoo dolls), 1 new steak knife, a black pen or pencil, a torn 3″ piece of parchment paper or piece brown paper bag and or a 3″ square picture of your enemy.
The best time to do the lemon curse is typically from midnight to 3 am which is known to many as The Witching Hour. Think of your enemy and everything bad that they have done to you. It is important that you focus your energy on this person exclusively during the duration of this ritual because it will make this spell even stronger and manifest very quickly. Remember to light a white altar candle with your full name inscribed in it and pray for protection before and after doing the lemon curse.
Curse Your Enemy with a Lemon
- Make a long deep horizontal incision inside the lemon with a new steak knife, that has never been used before, without cutting it completely in half.
- Get a small 3″ photo of your enemy and fold it three times away from you then turn it counter clockwise and fold the remainder three times away from you again and place it inside the center of the lemon. If you don’t have a picture then the alternative would be to just use either a torn piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag with their full name written on it three times with either a pencil or a black pen. Once you have written their name three times on the paper fold it three times away from you then turn it counter clockwise then fold it three times away from you again then place the paper in the center of the lemon.
- Get 9 long pins and drive each nail through the lemon. For each nail that you drive through the lemon it is imperative that you call the person’s name out in anger cursing them and saying what you want to happen to this person.
- Sit the lemon in a place where it will not be disturbed and that gets direct sunlight for about a week so that it can COMPLETELY DRY OUT.
- After a week take the lemon as far away from your home as possible and bury it about three inches into the ground. An ideal place would be somewhere in the woods or even in a graveyard. If you do choose to bury it in a graveyard then you must properly call upon Papa Legba for this undertaking with all the proper offerings. If you are new to Hoodoo and have no idea about graveyard courtesy, then I would advise you to just bury the lemon in the woods because otherwise this could be dangerous for you to do so. Once the lemon is buried then walk away without looking back!
Other Tips & Tricks for The Lemon Curse
For the practitioners who are adamant about working with the different phases of the moon, I would suggest that you do this either during a full or waning moon. For added results, you can sprinkle either some Graveyard Dirt, Asafoetida, and or Black Mustard seeds into the lemon before pinning it together but this is not required because it will work regardless with the right type of energy. Another plus that is not neccessarily required would be getting a black altar candle and carving their full name in it and lighting it while you do this spell. It is recommended that you read Psalm 109 while lighting your candle.
The ending results of the lemon curse for your enemy could be catastrophic and or deadly. Many clients who I’ve shared the lemon curse with have come back within only a few weeks and given me some shocking revelations about the target of their spell. I’ve heard of: one who was diagnosed with Cancer, another had a heart attack, some lost their jobs, and one whose home was being foreclosed on.
Make sure that the lemon curse is right for you before such an undertaking. Always protect yourself when doing nasty spells like this and always approach every ritual with complete confidence. Confidence is the key to you moving mountains through the art of conjure!
You may not believe me when I tell you this. I have so many enemies and they are everywhere I go. I have gone to restaurants for service, eat the food and the next morning the top of my mouth is hanging down in the back of my throat. I’ve had people going in my car, scratching my dashboard, putting some kind of white liquid on my seats, on the door latches. Some of these people I know and others I don’t, but would love to find the best solution to my problem . Can you help me. I can say, this curse would be a start.
Send me your contact information at info@thecuriosbotanica.com