The Yemaya candle is burned to invoke the spirit of this Yoruba orisha who is often depicted as a mermaid and is considered to be the one who rules the ocean and the moon. Yemaya is also the mother to all of the other orishas known for her generosity and love for her devotees . Yemaya usually favors: anyone of African descent whose ancestors survived the Middle Passage, water signs, and practitioners of the occult. It is traditionally believed that anyone who survived the Middle Passage did so through her grace and for those who didn’t were received into her body. Yemaya fiercely protects: women, children, practitioners of the occult, and those born under the water sign.
To invoke the spirit of Yemaya, petition Elegua first and submit his offerings to get his blessings before calling upon Yemaya. Place a clean glass of water on your altar and get a torn piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag. Write your petition then place the petition under your Yemaya candle along with an offering of rum and more. You can place offerings for Yemaya on your altar such as: sea shells, cowrie shells, ocean water, pearls, peacock feathers, sea weed, saltwater fish, molasses, watermelon, white flowers, pound cake etc.
If you have a statute of Yemaya on your altar then spray it with your favorite perfume but if you don’t then spray the front of the candle. Light a Dragon’s Blood Incense stick then draw a pentacle in the wax of the candle wit the wick being in the center then light it with a match. Say your prayers to Yemaya daily asking her to intercede into your life and work with you. Once the candle has burned out you can dispose of it along with her offerings in the ocean. Make sure that you get into the water, at least waist deep, and splash your face with it. If you don’t live near the sea then you can either leave them next to a tree in the woods, at the crossroads, and or in a river that leads to the sea.
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