Tumbled Citrine

Tumbled Citrine or yellow quartz is also known as The Merchant’s stone because it is highly-acclaimed for being one of the most powerful crystals for manifesting success in business. Citrine is an energizing crystal that is closely related to the Solar Plexus to bring your energy field into alignment with the rest of your body. Abundance, prosperity, good fortune, wisdom, creativity, positivity, happiness, and clarity are among some of the most popular metaphysical qualities that this stone has to offer. Like Selenite, Citrine doesn’t need to be recharged or purified as often as most crystals.

In Alternative medicine, it is said that Citrine is used to aid in the treatment of diseases related to the: urinary tract, kidneys, thyroid, lungs, Endocrine system, and the Digestive system. Citrine can be placed in the bedroom to get rid of nightmares or any type of paranormal activity. To attract wealth keep a piece of tumbled Citrine: in a Mojo Bag anointed with Fortune spiritual oil, on an altar next to your Spiritual candles, around the house, in your left pocket, in the office, or next to a cash register. The best day to work with tumbled Citrine is on a Sunday because it is the most uplifting day of the week and it is ruled by the Sun.



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