Skull candles

Skull candles are used to influence the thoughts of a person. Skull candles can be used for: healing, banishing negativity, attraction, protection, and hexing. To effectively work with skull candles, you must take somewhat of a scientific approach and understand the functions of the Four Lobes of the Brain in order to successfully cast this spell.

Skull candles

A general rule of thumb to remember before working with skull candles is to thoroughly wipe them down with Florida Water Cologne. Always place a clean glass of water on your altar beside the candle and then light an incense that is tailored to the spell. Skull candles can be carved by using either a: clean unused steak knife, Authentic Coffin Nails, or any other sharpe object that hasn’t been previously used before.

Green Skull Candles 101

Green Skull candles can used to influence someone to: be more generous, pay back a debt, give you a raise at work, approve a loan, etc. Green Skull candles are very powerful magical tools because they have the ability to turn your misfortune into good fortune. To begin this spell, light an Attracts Money Incense stick and focus on what you want. Carve the full name of your target along with a command on the forehead or frontal lobe of the candle. Any other thoughts or commands must be carved into the: temporal, occipital, and parietal areas.

Hollow out the base of the candle then insert: Cinnamon, Ginger, Angelica RootStar Anise, and Fenugreek inside then seal it up with the remaining wax. To maximize the results of this spell, include any type of personal concerns of theirs like: hair, nails, a piece of dirty laundry, etc. Green Skull candles can be massaged in an upward motion, from the base, with any type of money drawing oils and commanding oils like: Money Drawing oil, Showers of Gold oil, Fortune spiritual oil, Obey Me oil.  Carve your name into three green Altar candles then anoint them with your choice money drawing oils. Place the three altar candles around the green skull candle in a triangle and then light your altar candles in a clockwise motion. After the altar candles are lit then light the skull. For added results, place a picture of the person underneath the candle.

The best time to work with Green Skull candles is between midnight and 3 am, when your target is asleep. Stare into the flame and eyes of the candle and engage in an in depth conversation with it for awhile over the course of three nights. Never blow out Green skull candles, instead snuff it out with your fingers or a candle snuffer each night. On the third and final night, let the green skull candle totally burn out until the flame extinguishes itself. Take the left over wax and other remnants of this ritual and bury it into the earth with a quarter placed inside of the grave on top of the spell remnants. Anoint the top of the grave with money drawing oil and walk away.

Gray Skull Candles 101

Gray Skull candles can be used to nullify situations by: unblocking, breaking, and reversing. For example, if you have a troublesome co worker in the workplace that is causing you strife then you could use the gray skull candle to cause this person to transfer or quit. Another great example of the power of Gray Skull candles would be working this ritual on a loan officer who denied you for a loan in order to get them to reconsider. A Gray Skull candle would also work wonders on a stubborn spouse in order to get them to finally see things your way.

Light a Dragon’s Blood Incense stick then carve the full name of the person along with a command into the forehead of the Gray Skull candle. Use the temporal area to carve any other thoughts that you would like for them to consider then massage the skull from the base to an upward motion with either: Road Opener oil or Obey Me oil. Place a picture of your target underneath the candle. Hollow out the bottom then insert any type of personal concerns that belongs to them along with road opening roots and herbs. Star Anise, Angelica Root, and ginger would work great for this spell. You are to get three orange, purple, yellow, or white Altar candles then inscribe your full name in all three. Once you do that then you can anoint them with the oils discussed above.

Arrange the three altar candles around the skull candle in a triangle. Light the altar candles first with matches in a clockwise motion then finally light the gray skull candle last. Focus on what you want from this situation and tell the target of this spell what you want it to do. This ritual requires great concentration and is to be performed between midnight and 3 am for three consecutive nights in at least one hour increments when the target of this spell is most likely asleep. Each night be sure to snuff the candles out with either your fingers or a candle snuffer because spell candles are not to be blown out. On the final night, let the candles burn down until they are fulling extinguished and collect the remnants of this ritual and bury them in the ground along with a quarter during the day. You can also anoint the grave with any of your oils that you used during this ritual.

Purple Skull Candles 101

Purple Skull candles are burned to compel a person to do your bidding without any or much resistance if it is performed correctly. The Purple Skull candle must be properly cleansed then baptized in the name of the person for whom it is for. The name and or birth date of your target is to be carved into the forehead of the purple skull candle then whatever message that you want to send to them must be carved into other areas. The candle is then to be fully anointed with your choice of commanding oils then lightly sprinkled at the top or base with licorice root and calamus. Place a clean glass of water on your altar then put a picture of your target underneath the purple skull candle and light a Dragon’s Blood Incense stick.

Carve your full name in a white Altar candle and anoint it with Congo oil. Get two purple Altar candles and then carve their full name in them and anoint the candles with Bend to My Feet oil and Obey Me oil. Place the three altar candles around the purple skull candle in a triangle then light them in a clockwise motion. Finally light the purple skull candle while concentrating on what you want and commanding this individual to do your will while staring into the candle. You can chant for example “John Doe, I compel you to always trust what I tell you about xyz situation and no one else.”

This spell should be burned for at least an hour over the course of three nights with great concentration between midnight and 3 am when you expect for your target to be asleep. Each night once you are done snuff out the candles with either your fingers or a candle snuffer. Never blow out a spell candle. On the third and final night, let the candle burn until it extinguishes itself out. Collect all the remnants of this ritual and bury it during the day, in the ground along with a quarter. Be sure to anoint the top of the grave before you walk away.



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