Oshun candle

The Oshun candle is burned to invoke and embody the spirit of this Yoruba orisha, spirit of the rivers, who represents: love, prosperity, beauty, sexuality, purity, fertility, and diplomacy. In order to perform the Oshun candle spell, you must place a clean glass of water on your altar and then burn an Elegua candle to communicate. You must first petition her best friend Elegua, the road opener, before attempting to communicate with any of the orishas. Write your petition to Oshun on a torn piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag telling her what you want out of this situation and then place it under the candle. You can also just write the full name of the one that you desire three times on the paper instead. If you have a picture of your target then you can also place it under the candle.

Pour Oshun a glass of rum and sit it in front of her candle along with one of her favorite dishes. Many followers of Oshun prefer offering her: honey, perfume, gold jewelry, river pebbles, cinnamon, baked yams, copper bracelets, wine, champagne, sunflowers, oranges, peacock feathers, pumpkins, lipstick, and small ornamental mirrors. In the Yoruba culture, it is said that Oshun’s favorite dish is a mixture of: onions, beans, salt, and shrimp. Whether you have a statute of Oshun on your altar or just the candle, spray it with your favorite perfume. Light a Come to Me Incense stick then draw a pentacle inside the wax of the candle where the wick is in the center. Anoint your candle with Jezebel Oil and or Showers of Gold oil then light it with a match. For added results, dispose of your empty Oshun candle and any left over offerings after your ritual is over at the nearest river.


30 in stock


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