Orunmila candle

The Orunmila candle is used to invoke this grand Ifa priest who assists with: wisdom, divinity, prophecy, and destiny. Orunmila passed down his knowledge and wisdom to all living Babalawos and Iyanifas to solve problems. The Orunmila candle is very popular among seasoned: tarot readers, psychics, and other mediums because he is known for opening the Third Eye. Place a clean glass of water on your altar along with charged pieces of Amethyst and Clear Quartz next to your Orunmila candle. If you have a great-smelling men’s cologne then spray the statute and or candle.

Light a Dragon’s Blood Incense stick then tear either a piece of parchment paper or a brown paper bag and write your petition then place it under the candle. Place your offerings for him in front of your candle or his statute. Offerings for Orunmila can include: locusts, shrimp, honey, coconut, white basil, goat, black hen, etc. Inscribe a pentacle inside the wax of the candle and light it with a match. It is advised that anyone who seeks to petition Orunmila should petition Elegua first and submit his offerings before proceeding to contact Orunmila.


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