Double Action Reversible candle

The Double Action Reversible candle is primarily used to reverse bad energy, curses, jinxes, and or hexes back to its sender. The red and black double action reversible candle is primarily used for relationships that have suddenly taken a turn for the worst. Before you perform this ritual, it is highly advisable that you do an Egg Cleanse first. After you have done the cleansing, get a clean glass of water and place it on your altar. Then light either a Dragons Blood Incense stick or some Dragons Blood Incense powder.

Tear out a small square of either a brown paper bag or parchment paper and Write a petition on how you want things in your relationship to turn around. Make sure that you include the full name of your loved one and an affirmation that you are sending any curse that has been place on your relationship back times three. Place the paper underneath the candle and visualize your relationship being restored to happiness while the dark cloud that has infiltrated it being sent back like lightning. Draw a pentacle with in the wax of your candle with the wick being in the center and anoint it with three drops of either Return Evil oil or Black Destroyer oil.

Light the candle with a match and pray either the: 7th, 37th, 57th, or 118th Psalm. As the candle burns everyday be sure to repeat these prayers. When your double action reversible candle is done be sure to dispose of it in either a graveyard or a the cross roads.


30 in stock


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